Colours, Patterns and Numbers

LEGO DUPLO bricks are a great, simple tool to learn about the world around us. In small groups your class will investigate colours, patterns and numbers with DUPLO. Designed for young minds and small hands, this programme also includes plenty of independent creative play in our DUPLO and LEGO pits.
Age range: 3-5 years old (up to Year 1)
Session Length: Rotations of 20-30 minutes facilitated learning and 30-40 minutes creative play
Price: $5.00 per child per hour (Minimum $65 per hour)
Capacity: Up to 32 children
- - Colours, numbers and shapes work together to make patterns
- - Patterns can be useful for communicating
- Tactile play provides opportunities to learn about strength, size, shape and colour.
Your class will split into small groups (typically 8-10) to spend time investigating colours, patterns and numbers with LEGO DUPLO blocks at Imagination Station. The session finishes with independent play in our DUPLO and LEGO play area - great for creativity, spatial awareness and fine motor skill development.
We are learning to:
- - Count up to 10
- - Name colours
- - Recognise patterns
- - Name patterns
- - Distinguish the concepts of 'more' and 'less'
Te Whāriki Links:
Exploration | Mana Aotūroa
- Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting | te whakaaro me te tūhurahura i te pūtaiao
- Using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving | te hīraurau hopanga
- Making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories | te rangahau me te mātauranga
- Communication | Mana Reo
- - Recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero pāngarau
- - Expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials and modes | he kōrero auaha
New Zealand Curriculum Links:
Number and Algebra - Patterns and Relationships (Level 1)
- Generalise that the next counting number gives the result of adding one object to a set and that counting the number of objects in a set tells how many.
- Create and continue sequential patterns.
Geometry and Measurement - Shape (Level 1) -
- Sort objects by their appearance.
- Thinking:
- Students consider how colours, numbers and shapes can work together or independently to make patterns.
- Using language, symbols and text:
- Students use language to describe the colour, shape, and size of bricks and the patterns they make from DUPLO.
- Managing Self:
- During independent play, students manage their own behaviour appropriately for the environment.
- Relating to Others:
- Students will work together to describe and create patterns.
- Participating and contributing:
- In a group setting, students are encouraged to help the team describe and create patterns.